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Suite 1A Ground Floor Administration Building, Greenslopes Private Hospital, Newdegate Street, Greenslopes, QLD, 4120
Please Note: This is a general guide only of when you may return to these activities. Any specific questions or concerns relating to what you/your child may do should be discussed with your doctor. Parental supervision is ultimately required at all times.
Please Note: This is a general guide only of when you may return to these activities. Any specific questions or concerns relating to what you/your child may do should be discussed with your doctor. Parental supervision is ultimately required at all times.
It is important to remember…………
Please Note: This is a general guide only of when you may return to these activities. Any specific questions or concerns relating to what you may do should be discussed with your doctor. Parental supervision is ultimately required at all times.
- Occasionally, some patients require a period of time in a Rehabilitation unit following surgery. This allows more time in hospital under the care of a Rehab Physician who will provide you with a more individualised pain management and physiotherapy program. This ensures you are both safe on mobilising and comfortable before returning home following surgery.
- You will not be able to drive home following your surgery. Please make arrangements to have a relative or friend collect you from the hospital.
- You will have a scheduled post-operative appointment approximately 6 weeks post-op. Details of this appointment are listed on your surgery information letter or can be confirmed by contacting the receptionist in our rooms.
- You are not required to have an x-ray before your post-operative appointment unless otherwise advised.
- All wound dressings should be left intact for 10-14 days, you will need to make an appointment with your GP to have the wound checked. Dressings can be changed for cleanliness if necessary. Once the outer dressing has been removed, any steri-strips can be left in place as they will tend to come away gently with showering. It is advised not to remove these steri-strips prior as it may disrupt wound healing.
- Ensure any dressings you have are kept dry at all times.
- Compression stockings should ideally be worn for at least two weeks following surgery and on your return home from hospital. These are to avoid a (DVT) deep vein thrombosis, which has a peak occurrence at around 10 days following surgery. The rate for spinal surgery is very low and is less than 1%.
- If appropriate, you can return to sexual activity when you feel confident. It is very unlikely that you could damage any of the surgery result if activity is prudent.
- After your surgery, you should only re-commence your regular medications – including any blood thinning medications, when your surgeon or other related medical staff caring for you suggest appropriate. Take your pain medication as directed.
- Your surgeon will issue repeat scripts for post-operative medication over the phone between your discharge date and your post-operative appointment. Anything out of this time frame should be obtained through your GP or at an appointment with your surgeon. You must give 3 working days notice in order for these scripts to be prepared and posted to your home address.
- Please contact our office at any stage with any post-operative questions, to organise any repeat scripts or to address any clinical concerns.
- If there is an urgent problem after hours and you cannot contact our rooms, please proceed to the nearest Hospital Emergency Centre.
- Correspondence regarding your operation will be forwarded to your GP once you have attended your 6 week post-operative appointment.
Spinal Surgery Recovery Stages
Week by week recovery from spinal surgery varies for each individual based on such factors as general health, exercise capacity, healing ability and type of surgery performed. It is crucial not to compare your progress with others or set unrealistic expectations for yourself.
However, there are general recovery milestones you can anticipate. Your hospital admission may range from an overnight stay to a few nights’ stay, though this will be extended for more complex procedures or more complicated recoveries. During this time, healthcare professionals will monitor your pain and your clinical progress. Physiotherapists and other allied health professionals will assist you with this initial recovery, and ensuring a safe transition to independence with activities of daily living. Advice will also be provided for wound management.
1 to 6 Weeks
The primary focus during this period will be on pain management, wound care and gentle strengthening routines. The physiotherapy routines commenced during your hospital stay should be continued. Depending on your recovery, light duties may be considered, though with limitations on duration of standing and sitting, bending and twisting of your spine and avoiding lifting weights greater than 5kg. Any intentions to returning to duties should be discussed Dr Cheung so a return to work plan can be formulated with you.
7 to 12 Weeks
Physiotherapy would play a greater role at this stage, both for ongoing treatment and to monitor progress as you resume more and more of your daily activities. Such light activities as walking and simple daily tasks like driving and household chores can be considered during this time. Depending on the degree of residual pain, bending, twisting and lifting heavy objects may still need to be avoided. Your physiotherapist will guide you and suggest adjustments to make home and work activities easier.
12 to 26 Weeks
Physiotherapy may need to be continued, but with a focus towards formulating a workout plan that you can perform on your own. You may need ongoing avoidance of repetitive bending / twisting and heavy lifting, but you can begin stretching and cardiovascular workouts. Liaise with your physiotherapist to develop a rehabilitation plan that is suitable for you.
6 Months to 1 Year
As your situation continues to improve, restrictions will continue to be relaxed, with the aim of returning to almost all typical activities, including bending, twisting, and lifting. However, the above are rough guidelines only and depends on the procedure performed and your individual progress. It is important to be aware that, despite surgical intervention, there are those who continues to experience symptoms and resultant difficulties in reaching such milestones.
Dr Ian Cheung will advise
Our surgeons will advise you as to whether you will be required to have physiotherapy treatment following your surgery. In most cases, physiotherapy will commence following your 6 week post-operative appointment. If you are having physiotherapy, please provide our consulting rooms with the name, address and phone number of your physiotherapist so we can forward any correspondence that may help with your treatment.
talk with Dr. Ian Cheung?
We welcome you to reach out with any questions, concerns, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ian Cheung. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way.