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Suite 1A Ground Floor Administration Building, Greenslopes Private Hospital, Newdegate Street, Greenslopes, QLD, 4120

T: (07) 3397 7700
F: (07) 3397 7711


Acute spinal pain often resolves within six weeks, typically following a twisting or lifting injury. However, sometimes the cause is unclear. A longer-term pain management program and regular preventative physical therapy can help avoid recurring pain and symptoms.

Here is a list of common non-surgical treatment options for managing symptoms effectively:


Over-the-counter paracetamol is often sufficient. It is safe for long-term use and can be combined with anti-inflammatory medications and rest. Patients with gastrointestinal or cardiac conditions should consult their general practitioner before using anti-inflammatory medication. A prescription for stronger analgesics or specific medications for nerve pain may also be necessary, which will be provided by your general practitioner or spinal consultant.

Heat and Cold Packs

Ice and heat packs can relieve muscle spasms and inflammation. Use both in moderation and with caution to avoid skin damage.

Physiotherapy and Exercise

Maintaining an active lifestyle and a healthy weight is key to spinal health. Physical therapy aims to improve muscular control and support the spinal region, particularly when degenerating discs cause pain. Strengthening abdominal and lower back muscles helps control lumbar vertebrae. Chiropractic, acupuncture, and osteopathic treatments can also provide symptom relief before consulting a spinal surgeon.

TENS Machine Therapy

A Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator (TENS) machine emits electrical stimulation to painful areas, blocking pain signals from the brain. This therapy can be effective for long-term pain management.

Lumbar Corsets

A soft lumbar corset can provide relief for lower back pain by offering mechanical support during physically demanding tasks. However, it is important to spend time out of the corset to maintain normal lower back and abdominal muscle strength.

Facet Joint Injections

Facet joint injections, performed by a specialist radiologist using CT scan guidance, deliver a small dose of steroid (cortisone) and local anesthetic into degenerate facet joints. This can provide immediate relief, with the local anesthetic wearing off after about six hours and the steroid reducing inflammation over a few days. These injections can also help confirm the pain source and provide therapeutic relief.

Nerve Root Injections

This technique, also performed by a specialist radiologist under CT scan guidance, involves injecting steroid and local anesthetic onto the specific inflamed nerve root. This is often used when a ruptured disc causes referred pain in the arm or leg. The anesthetic wears off after about six hours, and the steroid reduces inflammation over a few days. These injections can confirm the pain source and assist in symptom treatment.

Epidural Injection

Epidural injections can manage lower lumbar spine symptoms. A local anesthetic and cortisone injection can be administered into the epidural space without imaging guidance.

Pain Specialist Clinics and Rehabilitation Programs

These clinics and programs are available for patients with complex acute pain syndromes or chronic pain conditions when other treatments have failed. They offer tailored psychological support, education, and refinement of pain medication regimens.

talk with Dr. Ian Cheung?

We welcome you to reach out with any questions, concerns, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ian Cheung. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way.

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