Contact Us
Suite 1A Ground Floor Administration Building, Greenslopes Private Hospital, Newdegate Street, Greenslopes, QLD, 4120
There are often delays on the day of your surgery, the waiting periods are unpredictable and may be longer than expected but unfortunately this is unavoidable. Please keep this in mind and be patient with the doctors and staff looking after you.
- Each patient’s condition and surgery is different and this will affect the time in hospital, recovery and other special needs in the post- operative phase. However, a standard number of events pre and post-surgery usually take place. The average stay in hospital is usually 5-7 days following spine surgery.
- Following your surgery you may have a (PCA) Patient Controlled Analgesia push button device or an epidural infusion for pain relief to keep you comfortable. A bladder catheter and drain at the surgical site are also common after your spinal surgery and will be removed once your surgeon has advised the nursing staff on the ward to do so.
- Your surgeon will speak to you after your procedure to advise the outcome of your surgery. The details of this may be a little hazy due to the effects of the anaesthetic but do not be concerned as they will go over these details again at your post–operative appointment.
- Importantly, you must feel confident to ask any questions as needed at any stage in your treatment. Our surgeons, their staff, the pre-admission staff and the ward staff are all there to answer your questions to make your surgical experience safe with the best possible outcome.
talk with Dr. Ian Cheung?
We welcome you to reach out with any questions, concerns, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ian Cheung. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way.